Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

My Reflection in Learning English

Yesterday, March 12nd 2009, I got daily test in english lesson. And I consider that daily test as a self reflection in learning english. My lecturer, Mr. Marsigit suggest that the reflection can do whenever and not always to be reminded. So, I must always ready to face daily test.
Everyday we must study, study about whatever, not only study the lessons in class, but also will be better if we escalate object's scope that we will study. So we can improve our competent in daily life.
And then how we can get some references or information to be learnt? We can get that source from books, internet, etc. And with those sources, we can write a research. The research of mathematics may be.
How someone could be called competent in english and mathematics? If someone can do how to comunicate mathematics in english. How to write? How to translate? How to express? And so, we must work hard to get a good result.
Reflection can use to introspect our self, whether we have done the best or yet? And result from yesterday's reflection, I have to work hard to study and learning english.

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